PinnedPublished inUX CollectiveThe web we choose to buildPrinciples for user-centred front-end developmentJun 7, 2021436Jun 7, 2021436
GOV.UK Prototype Kit: New layouts with service navigationWith the release of the new service navigation component, there are a couple of things we can do to integrate it into the prototype tool…Sep 5, 20241Sep 5, 20241
Creating reusable task flows using GOV.UK Prototype Kit pluginsThe biggest change I’ve seen since I started using the prototype kit was in version 13 introducing the ability to install plugins via npm.Aug 20, 20241Aug 20, 20241
Hidden link text, but is this accessible?I get asked a lot of questions about whether something is or isn’t accessible this week’s questions were around the GOV.UK Check your…Oct 5, 20231Oct 5, 20231
Visual component testing using playwrightEverything at scale gets a little bit more tricky, slowly but surely a lot of the building blocks of internal services have been DWP design…Apr 27, 20233Apr 27, 20233
Accessibility OKRs — part 1If like a lot of places your year start in April — then there is no better time to talk about accessibility metrics.Mar 24, 20231Mar 24, 20231
Building a community of speakersOne of the things I love most about Newcastle is the great community of meet-ups.Oct 16, 2018157Oct 16, 2018157
Reflections on running a first conferenceWhen I started talking to Gavin, who ran both DIBI and Industry Conf, he said that “running a conference will be one of the most…Apr 13, 2018911Apr 13, 2018911
Thoughts from DWP Digital design Patterns meet-up #2If you missed it I did some thoughts from Meetup #1.Mar 27, 2018134Mar 27, 2018134
Story Sizing — the good the bad and the typesIf you’ve ever worked on an agile team you’ve talked at length about story sizing.Feb 7, 201864Feb 7, 201864
What is a component in a design system?When we talk about design systems, a lot of time is spent talking about what a thing is, creating a shared understanding to what things are…Feb 1, 2018Feb 1, 2018
Thoughts from DWP Digital design Patterns meetup #1One of the parts of my job I enjoy most is getting to spend time with the wider team and sharing what we are doing.Jan 29, 2018Jan 29, 2018
Weeknotes s01e06-h3althy_t3ns1ons.mp4I had an odd feeling looking at my weeknotes notes, they where blank this is probably reflective of an over busy week!Dec 9, 2017Dec 9, 2017
Weeknotes s01e05— refact0r_y0ur_life_away.mpegMy s01e04 where not a typical week most weeks what I do is generally a lot more focused around development work (as you will see very…Dec 3, 20171Dec 3, 20171
Weeknotes s01e04 — the_reboot.mkvMy forth weeknotes — my first was back in April , this is some bad scheduling. I decided to change the format and do a daily post leading…Nov 26, 2017Nov 26, 2017
Steps for running an internal workshop for designers prototyping in codeOne of the things I love most about working in Government is that the designers I get to work with code using the prototype toolkit.Nov 3, 2017Nov 3, 2017
Preparing my first talkThis year I set myself a few goals, one of which was to do more public speaking. I’m not sure anyone is really a natural public speaker…Jul 4, 2017Jul 4, 2017